Digital Development Center

Do you know where your employees stand right now? Which talent has developed into a high performer? Who is a potential successor for a top position? ITO Development Center aims to optimally support people in organisations in their development and to be able to recommend a suitable field of application to them.
It is a procedure for identifying competencies and development potential in a particularly precise and reliable way. You receive a structured profile of the individual employee, the team or the entire organisation.
Advantages of a Digital Development Centre
Internationally experienced diagnosticians, the right mix of methods and a unique platform ensure that development centers can also be carried out in digital form. All measures – from interviews and leadership simulations to management conferences and feedback sessions – are implemented digitally and professionally supported by ITO.
At ITO, we have many years of experience in the implementation of online measures on an international level and across time zones. Therefore, we can map and implement proven methods virtually with the help of tested tools.
Thanks to an inspiring atmosphere as well as personal support and preparation of the participants by the ITO team, it is possible to ensure the comparability of the methods by mapping the previously used methods in the online environment.
A completely digital implementation is particularly suitable for international companies with worldwide locations and virtual teams. The advantages of online implementation also include:
- Cost efficiency by eliminating all travel costs on the client and consultancy side
- Time efficiency and improvement of your carbon footprint by eliminating travel
- Individual and practical implementation through online concepts tailored to your company, which digitally map your working reality
- Flexible implementation due to location-independent participation options
Development Center as a Reflection of the Workplace
ITO’s digital development center is not only based on job profiles or the company’s standardised competence model, but also on the underlying success criteria of roles and the corporate culture. Based on this, the methods are designed in line with the immediate work environment and practical challenges and mapped in an online setting.
We focus on effective assessment and feedback processes that ensure the optimal deployment of high performers and intensify their individual development. Competences and potentials are assessed on the basis of various tasks. The instruments used by ITO to determine skills and development capacities lead to a structured profile of employees, the team or the entire organisation, which forms the basis for individually tailored development measures on and off the job – for sustainable success.
We use the following basic instruments:
- Leadership simulations through customised settings
- Case studies: adapted to the challenges of the company
- Interview with subsequent feedback from consultants. This allows a discussion and learning in a protected setting
- Electronic profiling questionnaire MINDONEpotential, which produces a meaningful, multidimensional profile from thinking style, motivation, personality, professional interests and cognitive abilities
- A self-assessment based on the company-specific (leadership-) competences
- To support self-reflection, we also use video analysis and give constructive feedback
- Intensive, professional four-eye feedback and a report as a guide for self-reflection and independent learning, as well as recommendations for individual focal points in self-study
- Transfer assurance: we prepare the implementation of the development topics/recommendations and involve stakeholders from the company
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