Competency Model

Is your goal to hire employees who perfectly complement your team, both personally and professionally? To hire people who have the skills crucial to success in your industry? Do you want to pursue personnel development that focuses on strategically crucial competencies? No matter what, a clearly defined competency model is the springboard for determining which characteristics and skills are actually crucial to the success of the company. Your competency model forms an important basis for the assessment and development of potential and performance, and is the core framework for your talent management.
What Are the Criteria for a Competency Model?
A high quality competency model offers many advantages: transparent targets for career paths, simpler measurability of staff development measures, reinforcement of internal standards, and more transparency in recruiting processes. To ensure that, in practice, your competency model meets these requirements, we develop your company’s own competency model based on the following quality criteria:
- It’s specifically tailored to your corporate strategy and thus supports application of the strategy from an HR perspective.
- Critical competencies are mapped out and formulated comprehensibly and accurately.
- In order to make them practicable and observable in practice, behavioural anchors are attributed to each dimension.
- By weighting the competencies according to levels and functions of your hierarchy, we can generate a clear map of competencies that offers orientation for individual development and career planning.
- A description of the dimensions is written in your corporate language, thus strengthening a common and uniform point of reference.
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